North Mids Maths Hub

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Securing Foundations at Year 7

(NCP24-18) **NEW COURSE FOR 2024/25**

Discover ways to help students who need additional support to make good progress in KS3 and beyond


Who will be leading the group?

This is a centrally lead by the NCTEM

Who can take part?

This project is for teachers working with those Year 7 students who have not met age related expectations in maths, particularly students whose attainment is in the bottom 20-30% of the national cohort at the end of KS2. It is suitable for experienced or novice teachers.

What's Involved?

This project aims to provide professional development and resources for secondary maths teachers, so they are better equipped with KS1 and KS2 maths curriculum domain-specific knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. It will give them the necessary expertise to support students with gaps in understanding content from previous Key Stages.

Participants in this project will gain access to high-quality resources designed by experts in the pedagogy and expectations of maths at both KS2 and KS3. 

What will you learn?

  • Your students will make progress so they are better able to access a suitable KS3 curriculum
  • You will develop your pedagogic and content knowledge of KS1 and KS2 maths
  • You will consider approaches which support all
  • You will work as part of a professional learning community to reflect on your approaches, deepen your understanding about effective approaches, and refine your practice

What is the cost?

There is no charge for participation in this programme. However, schools must ensure that staff are released to engage in the workshops and school visits, and that the headteacher attends events where appropriate.

Work Group Dates/Venue

 Schools have the flexibility to choose any one of the available dates for each of the 6 centrally led online workshops.

  • Morning Workshops are 09:00-10:30
  • Afternoon Workshops are 13:00-14:30
  • Twilight Workshops are 15:45-17:15

Central workshop


Central workshop


Central workshop


Central workshop


Central workshop


Central workshop


Thur 5.9.24


Wed 9.10.24


Thur 28.11.24 Morning

Fri 7.2.25     Morning

Wed 19.3.25 Morning

Wed 7.5.25 Afternoon

Thur 12.9.24 Morning

Thur 10.10.24 Twilight

Thur 28.11.24 Twilight

Mon 10.2.25 Twilight

Wed 19.3.25  Twilight

Wed 7.5.25  Twilight

Thur 12.9.24 Afternoon

Tues 15.10.24 Morning

Wed 4.12.24 Afternoon

Tue 11.2.25    Twilight

Thur 20.3.25 Afternoon

Tue 13.5.25 Morning

Wed 18.9.24 Twilight

Tues 15.10.24 Afternoon

Wed 4.12.24 Twilight

Wed 12.2.25 Twilight

Thur 20.3.25 Twilight

Tue 13.5.25   Twilight

Thur 19.9.24 Twilight

Tues 15.10.24 Twilight

Wed 11.12.24 Twilight

Thur 13.2.25 Afternoon

Tue 25.3.25     Twilight

Mon 19.5.25 Twilight

What should I do next?


 If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us