North Mids Maths Hub

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Primary Teaching for Mastery - Embedding


Collaborative professional development for schools in their second year of teaching for mastery

The strategic goal of the Teaching for Mastery Programme for primary schools is to establish teaching for mastery approaches so that all pupils develop deep knowledge, understanding and confidence. Those who have worked on establishing teaching for mastery in a Development Work Group become part of an Embedding Work Group in their second year, focusing on systems and culture to support teaching for mastery as well as support for school leadership and subject leadership. Our diagram shows a school's journey towards mastery. Use it to determine where your school's journey starts

(click/tap diagram to show a larger version with more detail of the journey).


Who will be leading the group?

Confirmation of the lead facilitator will be in Summer Term

Who can take part?

This is for schools who have previously participated in a Development Work Group. All must show a strong commitment for embedding teaching for mastery approaches, and at least the Lead Teacher from the Development Work Group must have already started using mastery approaches. The school leadership team including the headteacher must also be involved, to ensure there is a whole school commitment.

What's Involved?

Work Groups in this project will support schools to scale up teaching for mastery approaches from individual teachers’ classrooms, ensuring whole-school practices are consistently adopted. There are at least five workshops across the year, plus support from a Mastery Specialist.

What will you learn?

  • You will enhance your mathematical subject knowledge, emphasising key areas of maths
  • You will plan, teach and reflect on lessons with a mastery approach
  • Your school leaders will understand the school-wide structures which enable staff to develop mastery approaches
  • You and your school leaders will establish systems to support ongoing professional learning within school

Teaching for Mastery Community for Special Schools (NCP24-09s)

In order to raise support for the levels of achievement in maths for all pupils, the NCTEM has built regional cross-phase communities for special schools.  This community sees schools in Teaching for Mastery Development and Embedding come together to enhance the schools work undertaken in the Mastery Programme.

· NCP24-09 TfM Development for special schools whose pupils follow a pre-primary or primary curriculum

· NCP24-10 TfM Embedding for special schools who participated in NCP23-09

· NCP24-12 TfM Development for special schools whose pupils follow a secondary curriculum

· NCP24-13 TfM Embedding for special schools who participated in NCP23-12

Your Primary School registration for NCP24-09 or NCP24-10 confirming your school is a SEND school, will automatically place you in the Teaching for Mastery Community for Special Schools. 

Further information will follow about this community in the Summer term.

What is the cost?

There is no charge for participation in this programme. However, schools must ensure that staff are released to engage in the workshops and school visits, and that the headteacher attends events where appropriate.

Work Group Dates/Venue

Programme dates and venue will be confirmed in the Summer Term

Date/Time Venue

What should I do next?


 If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us