North Mids Maths Hub

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Mastery Number Reception and KS1

Application is now CLOSED


Register your interest for 25/26 here 

Due to its recognised success, the NCTEM have announced their Mastering Number programme is going ahead for another year.

All state funded schools who have NOT YET engaged with the Mastering Number programme will be eligible to apply for the academic year 2024-25

Schools will also receive up to a maximum of 60 rekenreks (dependant on size)

There are limited spaces available - so we encourage early application

NCTEM - Mastering Number at Reception & KS1 Information 

 Benefits for YOU and YOUR School 

  • Your pupils will be able to clearly communicate their mathematical ideas
  • You will develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations
  • You will work to develop teaching strategies focused on developing fluency in calculation and number sense for all children
  • You will develop understanding and use of appropriate manipulatives to support your teaching of mathematical structures

What's Involved?

There is an expectation that schools will provide a daily teaching session for all children of 10 to 15 minutes, in addition to their normal maths lesson.  Lead Teachers in schools will also contribute to an online community to share practice and engage in critical reflection.

  Who can take part?

Lead participants from Work Groups schools will be three teachers - one each from Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 - known as Lead Teachers.  Some support will also be given to subject leaders and headteachers. Where appropriate, Lead Teachers are expected to support the other teachers in their year group.

To be able to complete this application form, you will need the following information for each year group Lead Teacher and your subject Lead Teacher.

Full Name - Email address - 7-digit Teacher Reference Number (TRN) 

Application is now CLOSED


Register your interest for 25/26 here 

If you need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us